What is Long Covid?
Long covid is also referred to as Long Haul Covid Syndrome (LHCS) or Post-acute sequelae of Covid-19 (PASC).
It is a cluster of symptoms that persist after a Covid 19 infection. The severity of one’s Covid-19 doesn’t predict who develops Long Covid. Some individuals who have mild cases of Covid-19 get Long Covid. If it has been 4 weeks or more since you were initially sick with Covid, then you are experiencing Long Covid. Long Covid is a result of the spike protein still wreaking havoc in your body.
Symptoms of Long Covid
A variety of symptoms are related to Long Covid. Symptoms can cluster around a particular organ: the lungs, heart, intestines, nervous system, etc. Features of Long Covid include:
Persistent fatigue
Chronic cough, shortness of breath or lung heaviness or tightness, excess phlegm or mucous
Brain fog, reduced memory or recall, spelling difficulties, mental fatigue, headaches
Painful joints, rashes, or swelling, intense tiredness after exercise
Dizziness, heart palpitations, drop in blood pressure when standing, feeling “revved up”, abnormal sweating, and anxiety
Sleeping difficulties, hair loss
Stomach upset: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, loss of appetite
We have found good success working with individuals experiencing covid long haul symptoms. Our basis of treatment is founded on the guidelines from the FLCCC and their heavily referenced recommendations (over 800 articles). Our treatments are comprehensive and holistic and include:
Prescription medications
Lifestyle modifications
Education behind pathophysiology of your symptoms
Community resources if desired
Spiritual and prayer support if desired
We do not pre-commit you to a specified set of visits. We use the provider’s clinical judgement and patient preference to guide frequency and duration of care. A good rule of thumb is to expect your recovery to take as long as the time for which you have been sick. Your health did not deteriorate all in one day. Recovery takes time. That being said, we do see wonderful improvement in individuals right away and their healing time is faster than their sick time. Setting realistic expectations helps prevent disillusionment, frustration, and failure!
Schedule a visit.
Initial consultation is $150 (45 minutes). Follow-up visits are $75 and are on an “as-needed basis”, determined by the individual and his/her provider. Extended follow-up visit times may incur additional costs. Medications are ordered from highly reputable pharmacies with exceptionally good prices.